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Hey There

Reflecting on the words "hey there" I first think of when I was younger and some spoke to me not knowing my name or perhaps they were flirting.   Today I hear those same words "Hey There" as if There was my first name  LOL but I then remember that man is no longer a boy that is saying Hey you over there Lady can I get some of your attention.  I guess it is better say "hey" back since I am single and welcome the flintiness.
Recent posts

Stir It Up

OMG I am living a dream. It has been a long time dream of mine to write and to showcase the conversations in my head to the world. What's better than that is that I get to encourage an extraordinary group men and women to write until their pen runs our of ink or the keys on their laptop, desktop or handheld device through their writer's voice converse with the world at large.  I hope they write until their journals are full with words conceived in their minds expressing of their live's journey to be read and reread for years to come. Be that it be science fiction, poetry, blogging or your thoughts of your journey through life writing is a healthy tool overlooked by many.    I say let you mind run free and let me see the words you carefully choose for me to read or listen to. I say stir it up y'all

Thrilled Of It All

It's been a long time getting here but I'm here now.  I'm at my best being me.  I'm in the ZONE.  I work best when I am helping others to accomplish something they desire to complete.  I don't like when folk ask me to do something they themselves could and should.  I know , I know but here is why I said what I said. Riding in a car with someone through much traffics they ask me to google the price of gold for that day.  I felt slighted because we're stopped in traffic and there were many opportunities to handle the task themselves.  Because they are always using my brain and not their own I am more then fed up with their pattern and I refused to be used in that capacity any longer. I was thrilled to set boundaries and say no you have to handle it yourself.  I stand on my word do it your self!
 It's the second week of coding school and I'm having a blast .  I have met some wonderful new people to add to my network of coders.

That's Who I Am

Greetings I am Lillie Glasgo a very creative woman that simply loves to quilt, ride bikes, blogging  you can read my blog page at I am excited about learning to coding.